Minutes – 7pm on Tuesday 7th May 2024
Cathy Bishop (CB) | Liz Bade (LB) | Tess Buck (TB) | Steve Morgan (SM)
Helen Meaden (Chair) | Jackie Morgan (JM) | Sue Rippingale (SR)
In Attendance
Report from Chair
Report submitted by HM and attached.
No questions or comments.
Report from Treasurer
Report read by CB and attached.
The reduction in income from Fundraising was discussed.
There was no Plant Sale last year and this usually contributes a substantial amount.
A donation from the BP show is still outstanding, awaiting approval from the Committee.
Report from Social Secretary
Report was given verbally by SM.
SM reflected on things that had gone well and those that were less successful.
Overall, the feeling was a positive one with the Village being in a good place with regards to cohesion. The quizzes have increased in popularity over the year.
The quarterly socials have been flagging a bit, but the Social Group are looking at ways to give these events more focus.
HM thanked Steve for his leadership of this group and all his hard work.
No other questions or comments.
Report from Secretary/ Booking Secretary
JM read the attached report. A question about the Whist group was answered.
Management Committee Elections
Chair – Helen Meaden; Proposed TB; Seconded SR
Treasurer – Cathy Bishop; Proposed HM; Seconded TB
Secretary/Booking Secretary– Jackie Morgan; Proposed CB; Seconded SR
Social Secretary – Steve Morgan; Proposed CB; Seconded HM
LB has resigned from the committee due to ongoing commitments.
The committee expressed their thanks to LB for all her work on the Committee and for her offer to help out on an ad hoc basis when possible.
All other committee members remain and no new members have come forward.
There was no representation from the Parish Council at the AGM.
HM expressed thanks to all those who help us on an ad hoc basis. We greatly value their skills and the time they give to the smooth running of the hall and the events in the hall.
Mel fed back data on the use of the new website and was thanked for all the hard work she has put into the website.
The meeting finished at 7.20pm
JM 07.05.24