Bradford Peverell Village Hall
The Village Hall has its origins in the establishment of the village's Women's Institute in 1925. The W.I. built a wooden hall, which opened in 1927 on the site of the present building, on land owned by the Middleton family who also provided financial support for its construction. There are records of its extensive use for both W.I. and village events going back over many years.
In 1972 the Parish Council acquired the site. The Village Hall is now a registered charity of which the Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee.
The present hall building was constructed in 1985. In 2003, with generous support from a legacy, the Parish Council, village fundraising and through other charitable donations, a major internal improvement programme costing £44,000 was completed. This provided, amongst other things, central heating, a new ceiling and lighting, and an enlarged kitchen.
In 2021, a further substantial fundraising campaign (raising over £20,000) enabled the urgent replacement of the Village Hall roof and a significant overhaul of the kitchen appliances was undertaken.
The Hall offers comfortable accommodation for a wide range of events and activities, and is a vital resource for the village community at large.
Filled with community spirit...