Minutes – 6:30pm on Thursday 25th May 2023
Tess Buck (TB) | Steve Morgan (SM) (Chair) | Jackie Morgan (JM)
Sue Rippingale (SR) | Cathy Bishop (CB)
In Attendance
In-person: Cath A and John H
Joining meeting for Survey feedback: John B and Janet C
Virtually attending via Teams: Barry D
Helen Meaden | Liz Bade
Report from Chair
Report submitted by JM and attached.
No questions or comments.
Report from Treasurer
Report read by CB and attached.
Good balance at Year end.
Thanks to Cathy for taking on the Finances.
Report from Social Secretary
Report read by SM and attached.
No other questions or comments.
Report from Secretary/ Booking Secretary
JM read the attached report.
No questions or comments.
Management Committee Elections
Chair – Helen Meaden; Proposed CB; Seconded JM
Treasurer – Cathy Bishop; Proposed JM; Seconded TB
Secretary/Booking Secretary– Jackie Morgan; Proposed CB; Seconded SR
Social Secretary – Steve Morgan; Proposed CB; Seconded TB
Parish Council Rep – TB kindly agreed to continue this role. SR also, kindly agreed to remain a member of the committee and her input is valued.
Report on Village Survey
SM reported on the reasons for the Survey being undertaken and the responses received. The results of the survey are attached.
The results provide interesting food for ongoing discussion. It was agreed that a Summer event on the Field should be arranged to try and maximise interest and participation. A date for Saturday 8th July has been set aside for this event. Details to be finalised by social group meeting.
The use of the Millenium Field was discussed and linked with trying to come up with events that would attract the younger folk in the Village.
The survey showed that 82% of respondents were keen on information being provided by use of noticeboards. This will be conveyed to the PC.
John Harrop, who will be taking up the role of Chair of the PC spoke to the work being done to try and get a 20mph speed limit in the village.
The meeting finished at 7.45pm
JM 26.05.23